German Dictionary

Country in German

the country     France is a country. das Land Frankreich ist ein Land.

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Sample sentences:
The northwestern part of the country borders the sea.

Der nordwestliche Teil des Landes liegt am Meer.
Both the Basque country and Northern Ireland struggle with terrorism. Sowohl das Baskenland als auch Nordirland haben mit dem Terrorismus zu kämpfen.
India is a noisy, colorful, magical country. Indien ist ein lautes, buntes, zauberhaftes Land.
the country(countries) das Land, Länder
importing country Einfuhrland; Importland
road; country road (die) Landstraße
country and western Country und Western
country music Volksmusik süden usa
Cross-Country Skiing Der Skilanglauf
industrialized country Industrieland
developing country Entwicklungsland
rule a country ein Land regieren(1)

It is a beautiful neighborhood with with lots of boutique restaurants and shops. We invited our friends from the Netherlands to join us for dinner and they agreed. We found the restaurant in the Time Out magazine.
Nice to meet you. I am learning English but my English is very bad, we could exchange messages in Spanish. I have got all the chat applications on my laptop. Sorry again for writing with many mistakes.
We exchanged numbers and they offered that we should contact them once we'd arrive to the capital. After dinner we bought some chocolate in one of the many stores, but it was not tasty, compared to Swiss chocolate.
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