German Dictionary

Translation of date in German

to date     ausgehen; datieren
the date      das Datum 
the date     das Datum; der Termin; die Dattel

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
On their first date, he impressed her with his Cadillac.

Bei ihrem ersten Rendevouz beeindruckte er sie mit seinem Cadillac.
She was jumpy and talked a lot on our first date. Bei unserem ersten Rendevouz war sie nervös und redete viel.
This shop's specialty is dates filled with goat cheese and thyme. Die Spezialität dieses Ladens sind Datteln gefüllt mit Ziegenkäse und Thymian.
arrangement to meet; appointment; date die Verabredung
delivery date; date of delivery Liefertermin
fix a date/time ein Datum/Zeit festlegen
to set a date einen Termin klären
date somebody mit jemandem ausgehen
date Datum; romant. Verabredung
best-before-date verfallsdatum
sell-by date haltbarkeitsdatum
due date Fälligkeitsdatum

Getting to the door and skipping the entire line, we started to chat with some guy from New York, and by coincidence we found out, that he had good connections in this club and could help us getting in.
How much Spanish do you know ? My summer vacations were great. I was two weeks in Ibiza, it was unbelievable! We went to the beach and had a lot of party, every night. Now I am back in my little village near Bochum.
The next morning she felt much better and we decided to take the bus to Puerto Varas, a small town near the Osorno volcano. The bus ride took around 13 hours and we passed through various, but not very interesting landscapes.
Most common translations: deep    demolition    despotism    diffuse    discourteous    distraught    dormitory    drop    earworm    elbow   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of date   [ dated, dated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of datieren
datiere  datierst  datiert  datieren  datiert  datieren  datierte  datiertest  datierte  datierten  datiertet  datierten