German Dictionary

Translation of depend in German

to depend     abhängen; beruhen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The price of the delivery depends on the weight and volume of the parcel.

Der Preis des Transportes hängt vom Gewicht und Volumen des Päckchens ab.
The taste of this dish depends on the availability of watercress. Der Geschmack dieses Gerichtes hängt von der Verfügbarkeit von Brunnenkresse ab.
The attorney depends on the support of his secretariat. Der Rechtsanwalt ist abhängig von der Unterstützung seines Sekretariats.
to depend (on) abhängen (von); sich verlassen (auf)
to depend on abhängig sein von; abhängen von
depend on; to depend on abhängig von
to depend on von etw. abhängen
to depend on (sb) sich verlassen auf
to depend on anhängig sein von
to depend on davon abhängen
to depend on abhängen von
depend on abhängig von

Study material is not easy to find. Unfortunately I have not received any such material yet. To give your students brochures and leaflets is in my opinion not the ideal. It cannot be compared with online studies.
I want to study either computer science or do an MBA. I love to programm and I am doing it a lot, although I am very impatient sometimes. I also like math, but I hate writting long letters.
There are great museums if you like art. The most important is the Van Gogh museum. There are good restaurants and bars in the center, it is very international. I hope we can stay in touch.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of depend   [ depended, depended ]