German Dictionary

Translation of drug in German

the drug     das Medikament; das Rauschmittel; die Droge

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The neighbor's shady operations were obviously connected with drugs.

Die fragwürdigen Aktivitäten des Nachbarn hatten offensichtlich etwas mit Drogen zu tun.
His drug addiction was hard for his wife and their two small children. Seine Drogensucht war hart für seine Frau und ihre beiden kleinen Kinder.
Hoping to find drugs, the policewoman opened the hood. In der Hoffnung, Drogen zu finden, öffnete die Polizistin die Motorhaube.
a(n drug) addict ein (drogen-)abhängiger
drug addiction Drogenabhängigkeit
the drug abuse der Drogenmissbrauch
drug allergy Arzneimittelallergie
drug abuse Drogenmißbrauch
happiness drug Glücksdroge
drug addict Süchtige(r)
drug possession Drogenbesitz
drug addiction Drogensucht

In the coming morning we were picked up to do a day tour in the Mekong Delta. It included several stops all around the river bed and the delta of this huge river. The first station were floating villages.
Due to jet lag (for us it was 10p.m.) we could not sleep, so we stayed at the airport until the morning where we had to take a flight around 8a.m. The destination was Siem Reap in Cambodia.
Than we took a cab to the actual border crossing. In the cab we took gave a ride to another tourist and with some scary Peruvian guy, who had a bag full of faked CDs. He didn't seem too nice and had many scarves.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of drug   [ drugged, drugged ]