German Dictionary

Translation of English in German

English     englisch

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The native English speaker served as an aide to the Chinese English teachers.

Der englische Muttersprachler fungierte als Hilfskraft für die chinesischen Englischlehrer.
In Germany, English TV programs are dubbed. In Deutschland werden englische Fernsehprogramme synchronisiert.
After three months in Bath, Antonio's English was impeccable. Nach drei Monaten in Bath war Antonios Englisch einwandfrei.
English-speaking englischsprachig; Englisch sprechend
English Englisch; Engländer; Engländerin
England/the English England/die Engländer
English Englisch; englisch; Engländer\in
the English Channel der Ärmelkanal(1)
English is needed Englisch wird gebraucht
knowledge of English Englischkenntnisse
She speaks English. Sie spricht English.
english; ungefähr deutsch; about

We made a little walk into the main street of the town and were looking for a nice place to eat. This time we settled for an Indian restaurant close to the restaurant we were a night earlier.
It was amazing to see how different people in different regions of the world would worship their G'ds in different ways. We really enjoyed it there and felt the mystic atmosphere around us.
Your correction, the vocabulary builder and the verb conjugation exercises are my best practice to learn Italian. Anyway should you need my advice or my assistance in language learning, I am here.
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