German Dictionary

Translation of enjoy in German

to enjoy      genießen 
to enjoy     erfreuen; genießen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They enjoyed the banter and decided to travel another stretch together.

Sie hatten Spaß miteinander und beschlossen, noch ein wenig zusammen weiterzureisen.
We enjoyed fish sandwiches and beer at the waterfront of Hamburg. Wir labten uns an Fischbrötchen und Bier im Hafenviertel von Hamburg.
We enjoyed our holiday by the North Sea although it was cold. Wir genossen unseren Urlaub an der Nordsee, auch wenn es kalt war.
to be equal; to enjoy equal rights gleichberechtigt sein
Enjoy your meal Guten Appetit; /genieße Dein Mahl
to enjoy, amuse oneself sich amüsieren
to converse, enjoy oneself sich unterhalten
to converse; enjoy oneself sich unterhalten
Enjoy yourself... amüsier dich.../(1)
Enjoy yourself... Amüsier dich.../
enjoy swimming geniessen zu schwimmen
to enjoy doing sth gerne etwas tun

You can stay at my place as much as you like, and it does not cause me any trouble. I love guests. Cool, I guess, and sorry I didn't get back to you in time due to tight schedule. Hope to hear from you soon, best regards from NYC in the US.
Due to jet lag (for us it was 10p.m.) we could not sleep, so we stayed at the airport until the morning where we had to take a flight around 8a.m. The destination was Siem Reap in Cambodia.
All taxi drivers recommended that we stay in the hotel, watch TV, refrain from physical effort and drink Mate tea in order to get used to the altitude. We made the mistake and didn't listen to them
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of enjoy   [ enjoyed, enjoyed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erfreuen
erfreue  erfreust  erfreut  erfreuen  erfreut  erfreuen  erfreute  erfreutest  erfreute  erfreuten  erfreutet  erfreuten     
Conjugation of genießen
genieße  genießt  genießt  genießen  genießt  genießen  genoß  genossest  genoß  genossen  genoßt  genossen