German Dictionary

Translation of equipment in German

the equipment     die Ausrüstung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The fishermen had brought all the typical fishing equipment - buckets, floats, and rods.

Die Angler hatten all das typische Anglerzubehör mitgebracht - Eimer, Köder, und Angelruten.
hospital equipment Krankenhausausrüstung
equipment; (i'*)(1) Anlage, Ausrüstung
equipment Ausstattung; Gerätschaften
electrical equipment Elektrogeräte
equipment Ausrüstung, Einrichtung
office equipment Bürogeräte
equipment Ausstattung,Ausrüstung
transport equipment Transportmittel
wrong equipment falsche Geräte
equipment Maschinen, Geräte
enterior equipment Ausstattung

The entrance hall where the passports were checked was renovated and had many ads for products from Western countries. Once we passed it and picked up our luggage we were looking for a ride into the city.
The architecture is much more interesting and beautiful than its sister in the South. The architecture was influenced by the French but also by the Chinese. The buildings are thin and tall.
I actually wrote you earlier, but everything got erased when I accidentally closed my browser window. Anyway, you want to know about the Germany. I can send you some information and send you some links.
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