German Dictionary

Translation of eradicate in German

to eradicate     ausrotten

Translation by Vocabulix


Let us speak in the beginning of next week and arrange the exact schedule. I should get the first answer tomorrow or on Thursday evening. And by the way: Happy Birthday to your little cute daughter.
We are currently processing the information that you gave us and I will get back to you in the middle of next week. If there are other Spanish language study materials we are always happy to get them.
Police cars drove around the town and called all citizens and tourists to leave the island immediately. I was told, that the hurricane which was supposed to go over Cuba was on the way to us.
Most common translations: exact    explanation    faith    federalism    fifty-five    fixation    fluid    forgiveness    freeway    furore   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of eradicate   [ eradicated, eradicated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ausrotten
rotte aus  rottest aus  rottet aus  rotten aus  rottet aus  rotten aus  rottete aus  rottetest aus  rottete aus  rotteten aus  rottetet aus  rotteten aus