German Dictionary

Translation of expenses in German

expenses     Spesen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He promised to repay all her expenses.

Er versprach, alle ihre Auslagen zu erstatten.
The sellers talked about their labor expenses. Die Verkäufer sprachen über ihren Lohnaufwand.
In spite of the additional expenses I subscribed to the paper. Trotz des zusätzlichen Kostenaufwands abonnierte ich die Zeitung.
expenditure; expense; expenses claim sheet Ausgaben; ausgeben; Spesenabrechnungsblatt
claim back expenses; claim expenses Ausgaben zurückfordern
to claim back expenses Ausgaben zurückfordern
Income tax expenses Gewinnsteueraufwand
spare no expenses keine Kosten scheuen
expenses Ausgaben(1); Auslagen; Kosten
operating expenses betriebliche Kosten
living expenses Lebensunterhaltskosten
to incur expenses Aufwendungen machen

We want to fly there again on Christmas, depending on Jenny's work. Maya entered kindergarden last week, and there were a lot of tears (mainly by her mother and not by herself. I guess that is natural.
On Friday we are flying to Switzerland and then on Monday we will continue to Boston, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. I am very excited. Maybe this is going to be a great experience again.
I looked at the street name and saw that we were at the right hotel but on the wrong street. That is when I suspected that there were several hotels with the same name, one original and the rest copycats.
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