German Dictionary

Translation of experiment in German

to experiment     experimentieren
the experiment     das Experiment; der Versuch

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This experiment was conducted to research certain cerebral functions in walruses.

Dieses Experiment wurde durchgeführt, um bestimmte Hirnfunktionen bei Walrossen zu erforschen.
The artisan is experimenting with new techniques on a canvas. Der Kunsthandwerker experimentiert mit neuen Techniken auf einer Leinwand.
In the next experiment, they extended the breeding area for the bacteria. Im nächsten Experiment erweiterten sie die Vermehrungsfläche der Bakterien.
language; sight; experiment Sprache; Sehenswürdigkeit; Experiment
experiment Experiment,versuchen
experiment Versuch; Erprobung
experiment experiment,versuch
experiment, Experiment,Versuch
experiment Versuch,Experiment
experiment Exeriment,Versuch
experiment Experment,Versuch
experiment* das Experiment

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
I hope you can understand my English. I want to study English over the Internet! Sorry for not having written you during the last few days, but I am starting a new job on Monday and gotta relax till than.
We visited the Inca Ruins on the mountains near Pisac: A taxi took us to the top and we walked all the way back down to Pisac (which by the way is not an easy task on day 2 at this altitude)
Most common translations: fail    fearsome    fierce    fist    flowery    forfeit    freckle    fur    gearwheel    glacier   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of experiment   [ experimented, experimented ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of experimentieren
experimentiere  experimentierst  experimentiert  experimentieren  experimentiert  experimentieren  experimentierte  experimentiertest  experimentierte  experimentierten  experimentiertet  experimentierten