German Dictionary

Translation of extradite in German

to extradite     ausliefern

Translation by Vocabulix


to extradite; to render (jmd.) ausliefern; (jmd.) übergeben

Please send me also some information about the conference that you are organizing. If you want material in electronic format, you can have a look at our website at: . Enjoy it!
Ohhh, I love San Francisco and I would love living there too, except that it is further away than Michigan (for us). Good luck anyway. I wanted to share some of Mika's images too, send you email soon.
The city was incredibly vivid and we were impressed by its size. We walked a lot through all the different neighborhoods, starting with Recoleta, an upper class neighborhood with its famous cemetery.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of extradite   [ extradited, extradited ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ausliefern
liefere aus  lieferst aus  liefert aus  liefern aus  liefert aus  liefern aus  lieferte aus  liefertest aus  lieferte aus  lieferten aus  liefertet aus  lieferten aus