German Dictionary

Translation of fabricate in German

to fabricate     erfinden

Translation by Vocabulix


The Institute is using the technology with great success, in the departments that I mentioned to you on the phone. Several universities in Europe are also testing it, but we cannot publish that.
Ohhh, I love San Francisco and I would love living there too, except that it is further away than Michigan (for us). Good luck anyway. I wanted to share some of Mika's images too, send you email soon.
We changed to another room which was slightly better and stayed there one night. The next day we moved to another room again before finally leaving for a better hotel. It was important to stay in a good place.
Most common translations: fatigue    fewer    firewall    flog    foreign    fragile    fumble    gasket    gig    goddam   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of fabricate   [ fabricated, fabricated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erfinden
erfinde  erfindest  erfindet  erfinden  erfindet  erfinden  erfand  erfandest  erfand  erfanden  erfandet  erfanden