German Dictionary

Translation of features in German

the features     die Ausstattung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
One of the features of the new refrigerator is an ice maker in the door.

Eine der Funktionen des neuen Kühlschranks ist die Eismaschine in der Tür.
One after another, he added special features and landmarks to the map. Nach und nach fügte er besondere Merkmale und Orientierungspunkte in die Karte ein.
The woman's imbecile features were almost comical. Die schwachsinnigen Gesichtszüge der Frau waren beinahe komisch.
design features konstruktive Maßnahmen
innovative features neuartige Funktionen
features Merkmal

Her students are using the software and learning with the website afterwards on a regular basis. She is very satisfied and she was kind and gave me your number, as she thought that it may interest you.
Sometimes this is an outcome of personal problems or incidents. For example, there could be a crime commited by someone of a certain origin. The consequence could be that the victims would blame an entire community.
I had to fly to Switzerland very urgently on Sunday, now I am back. Anyway, attached is a newsletter that will be sent to the users of Vocabulix. Should there be any changes, it would be nice.
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