German Dictionary

Translation of frolic in German

to frolic     scherzen
the frolic     der Scherz

Translation by Vocabulix


Then we did a boat trip which started somewhere in the delta and ended somewhere else in the delta. Each couple received a boat and an elderly lady had to row. I did not feel comfortable with that.
I took her down to the bathroom, and her pants and shoes were full of vomit. We were sure that it was not alcohol, but that there was something wrong with the food we had at this "nice" restaurant.
The same afternoon (October 4) we took a flight to Arequipa, spearing a bus ride of 12 hours. Due to heavy winds we had a delay of 2 hours. We took off at around 4.30pm.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of frolic   [ frolicked, frolicked ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of scherzen
scherze  scherzt  scherzt  scherzen  scherzt  scherzen  scherzte  scherztest  scherzte  scherzten  scherztet  scherzten