German Dictionary

Translation of go down in German

to go down      herunter gehen 

Translation by Vocabulix


to go down die Straße entlang gehen
to go down zurückgehen
to go down fallen, sinken
to go down hinuntergehen
go down sinken, fallen
go down beaten (to be)
go down go to prison
go down fall, sink
go down sunset

I had just said that if you wanted we could meet up on the last weekend in October, I have to be in Malaga the following week... Your English is very good! Would be nice to hear something from you!
Yes I think that's fine. I read your messages in German but i only understand them, answering in German is to difficult for me at the stage. Maybe after we practice for a while, I will be able to.
I did not feel well that night and we decided to stay in our room. My wife brought me fresh take away salad. We were exhausted from our day and watching a movie was the right thing to do.
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