German Dictionary

Translation of goodbye in German

goodbye      Auf Wiedersehen 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Goodbye my friend, I will miss you deeply.

Auf wiedersehen mein Freund, ich werde Dich zutiefst vermissen.
to say goodbye; to bid farewell verabschieden
Goodbye Tschüs; Auf Wiedersehen
to say goodbye sich verabschieden
goodbye tschüß
Goodbye. Auf Wiedersehen!
goodbye! Auf Wiedersehen!
goodbye auf Wiedersehen

Thank you for correcting my German, I always get confused with the words that put the verb at the end. Like the zu and the ab and the an... All new to me. I truly wish to continue our friendship.
The trip was coming to an end. We were driving to the airport knowing that we had to fly 12-hour to Spain, than a break in Spain for of around 6 hours and than the rest 4 hours, a total of 22 hours.
Does that give you enough information to get started with? If you would like to receive more information ask your private teacher, I am sure she knows all of it. Kind regards to your family.
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