German Dictionary

Translation of hash in German

to hash     haschieren
to hash     zerhacken
the hash     das Haschee

Translation by Vocabulix


hash Hasch

So it tipped excessively. I mean, she was around sixty or seventy years old. Anyway, we left the boat and embarked on a larger one which took us to a hidden community in the middle of the delta.
It was very amusing and were authentic. We approached the top of the hill and saw the temple for the first time. Actually one could not see the temple, just the people standing on it.
At noon we continued to the Altiplano to visit some lakes and volcanoes. At 4000 meter above see level it became suddenly extremely cold and our heads started to spin. Altitude sickness?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of hash   [ hashed, hashed ]