German Dictionary

Translation of hiss in German

to hiss     fauchen; zischen

Translation by Vocabulix


to hiss sb. jmd. auspfeifen
hiss zischen, fauchen
hiss zwischen

After reexamining the detailed construction of the architecture, Voca People came to the conclusion that the software in today's configuration is not capable to handle massive downloads during day time.
We recently started a new free vocabulary and conjugation website, called Vocabulix ( This free website targets people who are interested in learning foreign languages.
We told the cabdriver the streetname we would like to go and he brought us there. This time the place did look like a three star hotel and we booked a night. I went to pay for the taxi ride.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of hiss   [ hissed, hissed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zischen
zische  zischst  zischt  zischen  zischt  zischen  zischte  zischtest  zischte  zischten  zischtet  zischten