German Dictionary

Translation of involvement in German

the involvement     die Beteiligung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The involvement of mutants in the battle made it tough to win.

Die Beteiligung von Mutanten an der Schlacht machte es schwierig, zu gewinnen.
involvement Beteiligung; Mitwirkung
commitment; involvement Engagement
involvement Mitwirkung

A little latter we came back to our home and Leonard offered me to take me around the city with his motorbike. I could not refuse although I am a little scared by these vehicles, as they are dangerous.
After our system update, lessons will be saved for 30 minutes automatically, if you want to save them permanently, you need to press the 'save lesson' button. It than works the same basically.
By the way, Jeffrey and Brooke got married before the trip and this vacation was their honey moon. On the deck Jeffrey suddenly noticed that he had lost his wedding ring. It was probably in the bag.
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