German Dictionary

Translation of knead in German

to knead     kneten

Translation by Vocabulix


to knead the dough den Teig kneten
knead kneten

Let me know, once you want to proceed. Probably I did not explain myself well enough in the mentioned issue. Lili, can you please print the attachment and go over all the wrong expressions and words?
Don't worry... Very nice graphics, much nicer and more modern! I like all the pages except the front page. In my opinion, the front page is too 'busy'. The links at the bottom are not good.
I had imagined my first dinner to be a little different, but I was already here and wanted to make the best out of it. So i ate there and return to my hostel at around ten o'clock at night.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of knead   [ kneaded, kneaded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kneten
knete  knetest  knetet  kneten  knetet  kneten  knetete  knetetest  knetete  kneteten  knetetet  kneteten