German Dictionary

Translation of lament in German

to lament     beklagen; jammern

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He lamented residents ignoring the 'No Swimming' sign at the reservoir.

Er beklagte sich darüber, dass Anwohner das 'Nicht schwimmen!' Schild am Stausee ignorierten.
to lament; to grieve for so trauern

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I got to the southern tip of the island and visited the light house. I also remember to have visited some turtles or crocodiles nearby. I was not the only one who drove around the island by motorcycle.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of lament   [ lamented, lamented ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beklagen
beklage  beklagst  beklagt  beklagen  beklagt  beklagen  beklagte  beklagtest  beklagte  beklagten  beklagtet  beklagten     
Conjugation of jammern
jammere  jammerst  jammert  jammern  jammert  jammern  jammerte  jammertest  jammerte  jammerten  jammertet  jammerten