German Dictionary

Translation of lane in German

the lane     die Bahn; die Gasse; die Spur

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The motorcycle was trying to pass the truck in the fast lane and got hit by an approaching car.

Das Motorrad versuchte den Lastwagen auf der Überholspur zu überholen und wurde durch einen entgegenkommenden Wagen getroffen.
lane Weg; Gasse; Fahrroute (-spur)
left-turn lane Linksabbiegerspur
get into lane Bitte einordnen
lane jumper Kolonnenspringer
fast lane Überholspur
lane Fahrspur, Fahrbahn
crawler lane Kriechspur
slow lane "rechte" Spur
the lane die Fahrbahn
lane kl. Fußweg
lane Feldweg,Gasse

In addition, two woman were singing songs taken from Vietnamese theater. Again, I don't exactly recall what it was all about, but it seems boring and unimportant from today's point of view.
I am learning Spanish in university but I also have to improve it for private reasons. Do you have any suggestions. It is giving me a hard time lately as it is difficult. I need to be very patient.
In the late afternoon we took a taxi back to Cusco, which we shared with a nice Spanish couple. My wife who was mainly concerned with our sleeping conditions took the address of their hotel.
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