German Dictionary

Translation of macaroni in German

the macaroni     die Makkaroni

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
My grandmother the gipsy always served macaroni in a spicy sauce.

Meine Oma die Zigeunerin servierte Makkaroni immer in einer scharfer Soße.

So we first went to look for other hotels in the area, some where horrible even though they were rated as three star hotels. In the end we bought the three day voucher at the travel agent's office.
The cafe was not cheap but the food was quite special. In the back there was a travel agency, again not the cheapest one but they made a very reliable impression and that is why we booked with them.
California, Oregon and Washington are the states on the west coast that have an ocean. We traveled all the way from San Diego to Seattle. Portland in Oregon is a really cool city too.
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