German Dictionary

Translation of minimum in German

the minimum     das Minimum
minimum     mindest

Translation by Vocabulix


price floor; minimum price Mindestpreise(1)
minimum lending rate bankdisconto
minimum stay Mindestaufenthalt
minimum Mindest-
minimum mimimum
minimum Mintest.
minimum Mindest
minimum Minimum

My family is doing well except for my youngest daughter. She is a little ill and needs to visit many doctors. She has had several infections lately, but nothing dangerous, so we are not too worried.
The name of the agency was Handspan and they were the first ones in the country that worked under ISO 9001:2000 quality management. That was pretty convincing especially after our horrible experience the day earlier.
We had never seen a similar landscape. The lagoons had different kind of colors, blue, white, green and red. They were all surrounded by rocky, dark volcanoes making the entire landscape surreal.
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