German Dictionary

Translation of mobile in German

the mobile      das Handy 
the mobile     das Handy; das Mobile
mobile     beweglich; mobil

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
My new mobile phone is one of the latest and trendiest models on the market.

Mein neues Handy ist eines der neuesten und trendigsten Modelle auf dem Markt.
not really; mobile; trick eigentlich nicht; Handy; Trick
mobile number Natel- Handynummer
mobile phone Mobiltelefon,Handy
mobile phone Handy/Mobiltelefon
trailer; mobile home Wohnwagen
mobile phone; cell phone Handy
mobile phone; call phone Handy
a mobile phone ein Handy GB
the mobile phone das Handy
mobile Handy, Mobiltelefon
mobile homes Wohnwagen

There are very cheap language courses at the stores in Germany, but they aren't all good. At our school we have private clases. 60 min costs 20 Eur and 45 min 15 Eur. If you are interested, I can book it for you.
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
We blamed the sandwich which we had eaten a day earlier for lunch in Bolivia for the stomach ache of my wife. She became very weak and she had to stay in the hotel for two entire days.
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