German Dictionary

Translation of motorcycle in German

the motorcycle     das Motorrad

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The motorcycle was trying to pass the truck in the fast lane and got hit by an approaching car.

Das Motorrad versuchte den Lastwagen auf der Überholspur zu überholen und wurde durch einen entgegenkommenden Wagen getroffen.
on the motorcycle auf dem Motorrad

Anyway, we knew that we would return there too eat many more soups on our trip. When we left the place there suddenly started intense rain and we had to run for cover in order not get wet.
The name of the agency was Handspan and they were the first ones in the country that worked under ISO 9001:2000 quality management. That was pretty convincing especially after our horrible experience the day earlier.
If you want we can exchange messages and emails in English and Spanish in order to improve and get some exercise. I think we should correct each other's messages. i need to practice otherwise I will forget everything.
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