German Dictionary

Translation of mount in German

to mount     montieren
to mount     einbauen

Translation by Vocabulix


to mount ansteigen; aufnehmen; anwachsen
to install, mount an/bringen

Mr. Chang informed me that you have a customer that requires similar applications to what my customers have here in Switzerland. I am planning my next trip and I will consider visiting you too.
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One could see the animals from a distance. There were sea lions, whales and penguins, all very far away. In the evening we went on a boat for whale watching which was a really great experience.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mount   [ mounted, mounted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of montieren
montiere  montierst  montiert  montieren  montiert  montieren  montierte  montiertest  montierte  montierten  montiertet  montierten