German Dictionary

Translation of mussel in German

the mussel     die Muschel

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Guess how many mussels I found today and add a zero.

Rate mal wie viele Muscheln ich heute gefunden habe und füge eine Null hinzu.
mussel Miesmuschel

So we decided to move on. We were looking to get the next flight to Hoi Ann, which is located right in the center of the country, but we were told that there had been floods a week earlier.
I saw your pictures on facebook, some great images. Are you from Los Angeles? Why do you wanna learn Spanish? well if you want you can try your Spanish with me, i am from Paraguay, i am 29 years old.
The type of exercise was new to me and I think it worked great. How are things in your country and in your city? Do you also have Thanksgiving holidays? I enjoy my free time at home with my kids.
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