German Dictionary

Translation of neutralize in German

to neutralize     neutralisieren

Translation by Vocabulix


to neutralize a bomb eine Bombe entschärfen

Hans was not in the office for 4 days. I informed him that it is urgent and asked him to send it by tomorrow morning. I'll do my best that you receive it as early as possible. Trust me on that.
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It was fantastic to see that each ice berg had its own form and color. Unfortunately we could not reach all galciers, some were blocked by their own ice breaking off and floating in the lake.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of neutralize   [ neutralized, neutralized ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of neutralisieren
neutralisiere  neutralisierst  neutralisiert  neutralisieren  neutralisiert  neutralisieren  neutralisierte  neutralisiertest  neutralisierte  neutralisierten  neutralisiertet  neutralisierten