German Dictionary

Translation of obscure in German

to obscure     verdunkeln
obscure     düster

Translation by Vocabulix


We sat on the balcony and saw that the hotel had even a pool on the roof top but I did not have the courage to jump in. It just looked to dirty and as no one was in there I did not need to be the first.
Our bus was completely full and we were the only Europeans on our tour. There were also Americans and people from South Korea. The driver took us to a place called Tam Coc. He drove like an idiot.
It was a two hour flight above the vast area of Patagonia. On the left side of the flight path there were mostly arid areas, some covered in snow. On the right side of the airplane were the mountains.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of obscure   [ obscured, obscured ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verdunkeln
verdunkle  verdunkelst  verdunkelt  verdunkeln  verdunkelt  verdunkeln  verdunkelte  verdunkeltest  verdunkelte  verdunkelten  verdunkeltet  verdunkelten