German Dictionary

Translation of off in German

off     aus
off     ab

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The blast tore her new hat off her head.

Der Windstoß fegte ihr den neuen Hut vom Kopf.
He took off his shirt and jumped off the boardwalk. Er zog sein Hemd aus und sprang vom Steg.
The sound of the buzzer was annoying, but she couldn't turn it off. Der Klang des Weckers war nervtötend, aber sie konnte ihn nicht ausschalten.
every time(1); first off oll; flashing jedes mal; zu allererst; blinkend
to trigger off claims; to prompt claims Behauptungen auslösen
to tick off; to be really angry austicken; verärgert sein
leave a road; turn off abfahren; die Strasse verlassen
to round out; to round off vervollständigen
to get time off frei bekommen; Urlaub bekommen
to turn off; turn off ausschalten; abstellen
to switch sth on/off etwas ein/ausschalten
peeling off paint abblätternde Farbe

I started to speak Spanish because i had i boyfriend from Mexico. Especially I've never learned Spanish . I only listened and repeated what he spoke. Now i speak Spanish well but i need to learn grammar rules.
We cursed our bus driver and tour guide and everybody knew that these people were not professional. After 2 hours we arrived at the destination. It was a little boat station on a riverbank.
The next day we had to take the bus in order to get back to the airport in Calama. When we arrived at the airport was empty and no counter was open yet. We had to wait for 4 hours.
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