German Dictionary

Translation of owner in German

the owner      der Eigentümer 
the owner     der Besitzer; der Eigentümer

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The owner wanted his bulldog Ben to sire puppies with Princess.

Das Herrchen wollte, dass sein Bulldoggenrüde Ben mit Princess Welpen zeugte.
The previous owner didn't look after the car very well. Der vorherige Besitzer hat sich nicht sonderlich gut um das Auto gekümmert.
owner* der Eigentümer; die Eigentümerin
large land owner Großgrundbesitzer
owner der Besitzer; der Eigentümer
owner; proprietor Besitzer; Besitzerin
at owner's risk(1) auf eigenes Risiko
factory owner Fabriksbesitzer(in)
owner Besitzer, Eigentümer
own, owner besitzen, Besitzer
owner Besitzer,Besitzerin(1)
owner Besitzer, Besitzerin

If you want we could keep an contact via email. Have a great day. I am playing piano but i do not play very well as i am learning with a piano teacher. If you give me a little info about your country, I'll be happy.
I learn things really fast and easily. I also know Italian well. I can make whole conversations in Italian. You are a fast learner, because Italian is a hard language to learn, especially for German speakers.
We had a great day in Bolivia and amazing 3 days in the entire area of Northern chile. It was time to move on and we wanted to go South to the capital of Chile. We were so exhausted from our day trip that we immediately fell asleep.
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