German Dictionary

Translation of place in German

to place      platzieren 
the place     a free place. der Platz ein freier Platz.
the place     der Ort; die Stelle; die Stätte

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This year the US presidential election will take place.

Dieses Jahr findet die US-Präsidentenwahl statt.
With the jig, it was easy to drill the holes in the right places. Mit der Bohrschablone war es leicht, die Löcher an den richtigen Stellen zu bohren.
In the seedy bar, her intelligent eyes seemed out of place. In der heruntergekommenen Bar schienen ihre intelligenten Augen fehl am Platz.
the place(s) der Ort, Orte; der Platz, Plätze
The whole place shines. Der ganze Ort glänzt.
destination; a place to go Ziel; Bestimmungsort
to place an advertisment ein Inserat aufgeben
a great place ein großartiger Platz/Ort
place (der) Platz; (der) Ort; (die) Stelle
to place an order einen Auftrag erteilen
day-care place (Kinder)Tagesstätte
day-care place Kindertagesstätte

As I have learned English, French and Latin at school (ages ago) Spanish is quite easy to understand for me, but I'm afraid, my writing is not good either..... Wouldn't it be nice of you coming over to the USA?
I'm from Switzerland and I speak German as mother-language. I will try to help you to learn German! We speak French, Italian and German in our country. I heard that in the US Spanish is becoming more popular.
I'm divorced and I have three children, two boys one girl. Last year we visited California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. We traveled all this states by car. Next year I wanna do the east coast.
Do you know the meaning of? process    recognize    rose    send    skeleton    spill    suddenly    teeth    toothpaste    understand   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of place   [ placed, placed ]