German Dictionary

Translation of plant in German

to plant     pflanzen
the plant      die Pflanze 
the plant     die Anlage; die Fabrik

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They planted cocos around their new home.

Sie pflanzten Kokospalmen um ihr neues Haus herum.
The gist of the meeting was that nobody wanted a geothermal plant near them. Der Hauptpunkt des Treffens war, dass niemand ein Erdwärmekraftwerk in seiner Nähe wollte.
The brochure talked about how to take better care of potted plants. In der Broschüre ging es darum, wie man Topfpflanzen besser pflegen konnte.
manufacturing facility; manufacturing plant Produktionseinrichtung; Produktionsfabrik; Produktionsanlage
bottling line; filling line; bottling plant Abfüllanlage
plant Anlage; Ausrüstung; Fabrik(anlage)
the plant(s); the work(s) das Werk, Werke
plant; factory; works Fabrik; Betrieb
power plant; power station Kraftwerk
to plant a tree einen Baum pflanzen
a chemical plant eine Chemiefabrik
the plant(s) die Pflanze, Pflanzen

I am Spanish Teacher. I graduated last year, in August. I studied mostly in Germany. I have been working for nine months as a teacher in many language schools but soon I will be a student again.
The city seemed to be small but busy and many building were new. It looked like a third world country village with four and five star hotels. The infrastructure was still bad, but one could see development.
We overflew beautiful, huge mountain ranges (Andes) just before landing in Cusco. The small domestic airport of Cusco immediately gives you the feeling that you arrived at the right place.
Do you know the meaning of? profile    recording    routine    sentence    skin    splendid    suggest    tell    total    unhappy   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of plant   [ planted, planted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of pflanzen
pflanze  pflanzt  pflanzt  pflanzen  pflanzt  pflanzen  pflanzte  pflanztest  pflanzte  pflanzten  pflanztet  pflanzten