German Dictionary

Translation of preparation in German

the preparation     die Aufbereitung; die Vorbereitung; die Zubereitung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Preparations for my father's visit in Puna are already underway.

Die Vorbereitungen für den Besuch meines Vaters in Puna sind bereits im Gange.
preparation vorbereitung
preparation Erstellung

This Thursday afternoon a group of twenty five belonging to the Language Institute of English will take a trip to the Canadian city Montreal, accompanied and well protected by the bodyguard Linda.
I can send them by mail or bring them in person. I'll be happy to join the trial and help you. The download of the language files may take 30 seconds and the screen is blank during that time.
Is there a way that I could test your Spanish and German lessons? Quality is very important to me. Can you send me a lesson electronically (by email or word)? Maybe you have your lesson ready.
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