German Dictionary

Protect oneself in German

to protect oneself     You should protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen. sich schützen Du solltest Dich vor der Sonne mit Sonnencreme schützen.
to protect oneself      sich beschützen 

Translation by Vocabulix


to protect oneself sich schützen

There is a little problem: I can't go to Malaga to attend my course because it is fully booked, I have to go to Barca instead, which means I can't even go to there cause it is too far and the plane lands in the afternoon.
Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
We left town and drove around the lake. Around 30 minutes after leaving we had a flat tire, which I changed immediately. That was very annoying as the rental company asked us to fix the flat tire.
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