German Dictionary

Translation of regularly in German

regularly      regelmäßig 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Our deacon truly served the poor, regularly sharing his breakfast with the homeless.

Unser Diakon diente wahrhaftig den Armen und teilte oft sein Frühstück mit Obdachlosen.
She regularly reaped the benefits of being flirtatious. Sie erntete regelmäßig die Vorzüge, die es hatte, kokett zu sein.
regularly regelmässig
regularly häufig

He was asking the doormen to let us and our friends from Holland in, and so they did. In addition, the guy we met was paying our entrance or got us a free entrance. We do not know and probably never will.
If you have trouble in expressing something just write it down first. This site is very helpful to learn languages. I think it's very good to have conversations with other people. Take care.
At midnight, after taking a quick shower we went to a local bar to eat a steak. The food and the wine were excellent. We were really happy that after the long journey we made it to this place.
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