German Dictionary

Translation of remunerate in German

to remunerate     belohnen

Translation by Vocabulix


There are about fifty families who are having very tight connections. Too tight in my opinion. It's like a small town in this aspect. Joanna though is very satisfied with the place and the atmosphere.
The view from the top was awesome. From there one could see that every house almost had a different color, but that the roofs were all tiled. I took my camera and took several images on diapositive.
I had imagined my first dinner to be a little different, but I was already here and wanted to make the best out of it. So i ate there and return to my hostel at around ten o'clock at night.
Newly added translation: residual    reverberation    robotics    running-in    sandy    schema    seaweed    senseless    shake    short-term   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of remunerate   [ remunerated, remunerated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of belohnen
belohne  belohnst  belohnt  belohnen  belohnt  belohnen  belohnte  belohntest  belohnte  belohnten  belohntet  belohnten