German Dictionary

Translation of resuscitate in German

to resuscitate     wiederbeleben

Translation by Vocabulix


to resuscitate wiederbeleben

Arete means earring. Is it only in Mexico, regional? earring has multiple translations in Spanish, some are regionalism, others not. Arete, pendiente, caravana, and some others. But they are widely understood.
I had a few problems with my Mac. I guess I will have to buy a new one in the near future. I have already found the right product, and I will soon order it from the local hardware dealer.
I am glad that you accepted my offer. I would like to write letters and emails in English and if you want you can write back to me in German. I want to correct your German and so we will both get better.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of resuscitate   [ resuscitated, resuscitated ]