German Dictionary

Translation of retard in German

to retard     verzögern

Translation by Vocabulix


to hinder**; inhibit**; retard** erschweren
to hinder*; inhibit*; retard* behindern
to hinder; inhibit; retard hemmen

There are about fifty families who are having very tight connections. Too tight in my opinion. It's like a small town in this aspect. Joanna though is very satisfied with the place and the atmosphere.
I bought a bottle of water and took a pause to regain my energy. Not long after that I descended again and looked for a cafe place near the central square. To my surprise I found a very modern place.
Somehow at three in the morning I finally fell asleep. The place did not serve breakfast but I went to the northern beach which offered really nice food. I ate some fruits and drank coffee.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of retard   [ retarded, retarded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verzögern
verzögere  verzögerst  verzögert  verzögern  verzögert  verzögern  verzögerte  verzögertest  verzögerte  verzögerten  verzögertet  verzögerten