German Dictionary

Translation of risk in German

to risk     wagen
the risk      das Risiko 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He took the risk and got on the sailboat.

Er ging das Risiko ein und stieg in das Segelboot.
mitigate the risk das Risiko lindern; das Risiko anschwächen
to assume the risk das Risiko übernehmen
at owner's risk(1) auf eigenes Risiko
passing of risk Gefahrenübergang
health risk(1) Gesundheitsrisiko(1)
to bear the risk das Risiko tragen
risk of infection Infektionsrisiko
risk assessment Risikobeurteilung
risk management Risikomanagement
risk premium Risikoprämie
to run the risk Gefahr laufen

I am studying economics for my MA at University of California and I should stay in the US for about 4 years. My English is not good. But I want learn this language. You want learn German? yes I can teach you German. I wish you a nice day.
I would like to chat with you regularly, but it looks like you are not online at the moment. I heard about the political turmoil in your country, and I hope that it is not going to affect you.
Thanks a lot for the correction, they are very helpful and so are you in general. As I mentioned earlier I need more practice to write entire sentences in French and it takes a lot of time.
Newly added translation: see you tomorrow    sparkle    stumble    taste    today    twitter    voucher    workshop    Italy   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of risk   [ risked, risked ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wagen
wage  wagst  wagt  wagen  wagt  wagen  wagte  wagtest  wagte  wagten  wagtet  wagten