German Dictionary

Translation of rob in German

to rob      überfallen 
to rob     ausrauben

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Muddy must have had at least two confederates to rob this store.

Muddy muss mindestens zwei Komplizen gehabt haben, um diesen Laden zu überfallen.
The thief was caught when he tried to rob the same bank for a second time. Der Dieb wurde gefangen als er versuchte die selbe Bank zum zweiten Mal zu überfallen.
to rob berauben, ausrauben
to rob berauben; ausrauben
rob bestehlen, berauben
to rob (aus) rauben

HOLA is Spanish and means hi, doesn't it? How is life in Brazil, is it really as dangerous as they say in the TV? Maybe you can tell me a little bit of your country, in Spanish, then I can correct your sentences!
Thank you for your kind mail. I guess that we are friends now! The last winter was extremely cold. Now in Summer the weather is nice. My English is terrible but i hope that you will give me a chance.
I think there are many similar words in English and in German like park, house, bank and many more. Many people in Germany know these words, although they do not speak English properly.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of rob   [ robbed, robbed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of überfallen
überfalle  überfällst  überfällt  überfallen  überfallt  überfallen  überfiel  überfielst  überfiel  überfielen  überfielt  überfielen