German Dictionary

Translation of robber in German

the robber      der Räuber 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The robber pointed his magnum 22 at my wife.

Der Einbrecher richtete seine Magnum 22 auf meine Frau.
bank robber der Bankräuber; die Bankräuberin
robber Räuber/in

Thank you for correcting my German, I always get confused with the words that put the verb at the end. Like the zu and the ab and the an... All new to me. I truly wish to continue our friendship.
Thank you for your kind mail. I guess that we are friends now! The last winter was extremely cold. Now in Summer the weather is nice. My English is terrible but i hope that you will give me a chance.
Thanks a lot for the correction, they are very helpful and so are you in general. As I mentioned earlier I need more practice to write entire sentences in French and it takes a lot of time.
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