German Dictionary

Translation of ruffle in German

to ruffle     kräuseln

Translation by Vocabulix


to ruffle sträuben

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The advantage of this change is that: 1. it improves the response time after every asked word by double. 2. Some do not want to save their lessons, they just want to test it without results being collected...
Unfortunately, the boat's maneuvering system broke down and we were told that we could not take it. We were furious, but decided to make the best out of the situation. The offered to take the Red Dragon instead.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of ruffle   [ ruffled, ruffled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kräuseln
kräusle  kräuselst  kräuselt  kräuseln  kräuselt  kräuseln  kräuselte  kräuseltest  kräuselte  kräuselten  kräuseltet  kräuselten