German Dictionary

Translation of schedule in German

the schedule     das Programm; der Fahrplan; der Stundenplan; der Zeitplan

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The schedule of this event is very tight and nobody has free time.

Das Programm dieser Veranstaltung ist sehr eng und niemand hat freie Zeit.
The dispatch from our warehouse of the humidifier is scheduled for this week. Der Versand des Trockners von unserem Warenlager aus ist für diese Woche geplant.
a schedule ein Zeitplan; ein Plan; ein Programm
to schedule a meeting ein Treffen festlegen
on schedule planmässig, pünktlich
schedule; timetable Stundenplan; Zeitplan
timetable; schedule Fahrplan, Flugplan,2
the timetable; the schedule der Fahrplan
ahead of schedule dem Zeitplan voraus
behind schedule mit Verspätung
schedule sth etwas ansetzen, planen
schedule sth planen, etwas ansetzen

In the that time of the year, when I used to go to school, I had to get up very early and leave the house at around seven o'clock in the morning. At this time it was still night, dark and cold outside.
However, if you are able to link to us from another major site (school site, language site, maybe even a good private site), I will be able to convince my colleagues to make an exception and upload your lessons.
I got to the southern tip of the island and visited the light house. I also remember to have visited some turtles or crocodiles nearby. I was not the only one who drove around the island by motorcycle.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of schedule   [ scheduled, scheduled ]