German Dictionary

Translation of scratch in German

to scratch     kratzen; ritzen
the scratch     der Kratzer
the scratch     der Ritz

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
If you scratch off the scab, you'll end up with a scar.

Wenn du den Schorf abkratzt, bleibt eine Narbe zurück.
scratch; rascar; raspar kratzen
to scratch (Sich) kratzen
scratch kratzen

The Institute is using the technology with great success, in the departments that I mentioned to you on the phone. Several universities in Europe are also testing it, but we cannot publish that.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
As soon as I went to bed, incredibly loud music starting playing from right beneath my room. The music was so loud that I could not fall asleep despite my jet lag and despite being extremely tired.
Newly added translation: select    session    shellac    shy    site    sleet    snipe    someplace    specificity    sprout   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of scratch   [ scratched, scratched ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kratzen
kratze  kratzt  kratzt  kratzen  kratzt  kratzen  kratzte  kratztest  kratzte  kratzten  kratztet  kratzten     
Conjugation of ritzen
ritze  ritzt  ritzt  ritzen  ritzt  ritzen  ritzte  ritztest  ritzte  ritzten  ritztet  ritzten