German Dictionary

Translation of selfish in German

selfish     selbstsüchtig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
If parents are too indulgent with their children, they grow up to be selfish adults.

Wenn Eltern mit ihren Kindern zu nachsichtig umgehen, wachsen sie zu Egoisten heran.
Dudes can be so selfish sometimes. Kerle können manchmal so egoistisch sein.
Mike is selfish and abuses his friends for his own cause. Mike ist egoistisch und missbraucht seine Freunde für den eigenen Nutzen.
selfish, egotistical selbstsüchtig
selfish, self serving eigennützig

So we first went to look for other hotels in the area, some where horrible even though they were rated as three star hotels. In the end we bought the three day voucher at the travel agent's office.
First we got some lunch which was the first normal experience on that day. Then we were told to take a boat. A fisherman and his young daughter were rowing and we continued on the river.
A little information about me: I am 33 years old and my wife Anna and I have 3 children. We live near Dortmund. I work as a train driver in the Deutsche Bundesbahn. Do you know Germany?
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