German Dictionary

Translation of skills in German

skills     Kenntnisse

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The newcomer impressed everybody with his singing and dancing skills.

Der Neuankömmling beeindruckte alle mit seinen Sing- und Tanzfähigkeiten.
After John impressed Mojo with his songwriting skills, he became his stooge. Nachdem John Mojo mit seinen Fähigkeiten als Songwriter beeindruckte, wurde er sein Handlanger.
His compliments about my bread baking skills were all taffy. Seine Komplimente über meine Brotbackkünste waren nur Schmeicheleien.
problem-solving-skills Problemlösefähigkeiten
skills Fertigkeiten; Kenntnisse; das Können
computer skills; office skills Textverarbeitung
to work on skills an Fähigkeiten arbeiten
language skills sprachliche Fähigkeiten
analytical skills analytische Kompetenzen
organizational skills Organisationstalent
managerial skills managerfähigkeiten
practical skills praktische Fertigkeiten

We want to fly there again on Christmas, depending on Jenny's work. Maya entered kindergarden last week, and there were a lot of tears (mainly by her mother and not by herself. I guess that is natural.
I took my backpack and looked for a minibus that would take me a little outside of the town to a small settlement called El Panchan. I arrived there very early and no rooms were available yet.
The express ferry took us to Macau, a Portuguese colony near the Chinese Guangdong province. Although the distance is not short the express ferry gets there in one hour and is totally modern and reliable.
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