German Dictionary

Translation of sleep in German

to sleep      schlafen 
the sleep     der Schlaf

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The drifter slept in our barn for two nights.

Der Landstreicher schlief zwei Nächte lang in unserer Scheune.
The night before the competition, Marina felt too jittery to sleep. Am Abend vor dem Wettbewerb war Marina zu aufgeregt, um zu schlafen.
In the sleeper, I heard at least three different snorers and couldn't sleep. Im Schlafwagen hörte ich mindestens drei verschiedene Schnarcher und konnte nicht schlafen.
to fall asleep; to go to sleep einschlafen
to have a sleep ein Nickerchen machen
to sleep, slept, slept schlafen
uneasy sleep unruhiger Schlaf
begin to sleep einschlafen>>
let's sleep (1) schlafen wir
to sleep in sich ausschlafen
sleep-slept-slept schlafen
sleep slept slept schlafen

We bought a Sandwich and were looking for a taxi, but the streets were so crowded that we had to wait nearly one hour to find a cab. We even had to walk a few blocks in order to catch one.
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
The next morning we got up a little later than usual. After leaving our room we recognized that this town and region was stunning. Desert and high volcanoes all around us. The place was superb.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of sleep   [ slept, slept ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schlafen
schlafe  schläfst  schläft  schlafen  schlaft  schlafen  schlief  schliefst  schlief  schliefen  schlieft  schliefen