German Dictionary

Translation of snip in German

to snip     schnippeln
the snip     das Schnäppchen; der Schnitt

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
With one snip, she cut off his ponytail.

Mit einem Schnitt schnitt sie seinen Pferdeschwanz ab.

This is not so easy, my dear! Unless you have learned Latin, then Italian is not an easy language... I'm new here, I found the site through Google. How does it exactly work here? I want to sign up.
Are you familiar with HTML tags? Besides, you have to test the file in a browser window before delivering, just to be sure that it is displayed correctly. Regarding the translation: The second choice is a little more colloquial than the first one.
I know that you are studying. Do you like it, what do you do in your spare time? Are you doing a lot of sports? Do you have many hobbies? Are you watching movies and if so which ones? Please answer in English!
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